Wednesday, 20 October 2010

A day in the life of a Tight wearing Tyke!

Like mother, like son. Every morning in this house starts in the same way. A nice cup of tea! Toddler Tyke adopted this routine several months ago. Not that you can really call his ‘tea’, more like milk with a hint of tea but he likes it all the same.

Mornings are always busy, whether it be swimming, play dates, tumble tots, baby and toddler group or a day at nursery, we seem to do a lot of rushing around. Time to get dressed and Toddler Tyke is already developing his own sense of style. He will quite readily tell me what he is or is not prepared to wear, usually by throwing offending garments on to the floor. Today was relatively easy, TT only pausing to ponder the merits of aeroplane tights over sports tights. He chose the aeroplanes.

After a hasty breakfast, we don our coats and set off with the buggy, to our new toddler group. En route, we collect a little buddy and accompanying nanny. Toddler Tyke has boundless energy which we try to use up in the mornings. Whilst he runs off to be the first to find the toy screwdriver, I settle down to chat with the other mummys. Today, I saw a look of horror and disgust at the mere mention of boy’s tights. I know that some people don’t ‘get it’ but really! Just 5 minutes later, my faith in Tykes Tights was restored when another mummy announced that not only would she be placing an order with me, but she had cancelled her own tights delivery from Germany(courtesy of her mother who lives there). Success!

Quick dash home in the rain and time for lunch. Ask Toddler Tyke what he would like on his sandwich and the answer is always the same – choc choc. Hmmmm, chocolate spread. I blame my mother for this, although my husband blames me for passing sweet tooth genes onto our son. With the blatant lack of choc choc in the larder, banana sandwich and yoghurt is the order of the day.

By 1 o’clock, Toddler Tyke has had enough and it is off to his cot for a nap. Cue much rushing around by mummy Tyke who uses this time to process orders from the website, answer emails, sort stock and try to catch up with the housework.

Once awake, cuddled and watered, Toddler Tyke is ready to start the second part of his day. This often includes a walk to the post office with a return trip via the ‘gark’ to play on the swings. Today’s weather has been bitterly cold and I am sure that Toddler Tyke is enjoying the comfort of warm little leggies.

After helping mummy to prepare dinner (and taste testing everything first!), it’s time to wait for daddy before sitting down to eat. By this point of the day, trousers have usually been flung to one side and Toddler Tyke is enjoying the freedom of movement without denim constraints. No cold leggies though as those aeroplanes are still doing a great job.

We don’t have 6 o’clock in this house. We have rough and tumble time. At least Toddler and Daddy Tyke do. I stay out of the way! From the safety of the kitchen, I often listen to shrieks of laughter and squeals of delight mixed in with several lion roars or tickle fingers. Only when it goes quiet, do I dare to venture into the lion’s den.

Half past six, calm restored, milk consumed and the all important question of the day answered – are we riding the Ninky Nonk or the Pinky Ponk, Toddler Tyke climbs the stairs ready for his bath and bed. By seven o’clock all is quiet. Toddler Tyke chatting sleepily to his teddies, Mummy Tyke heading for the lap top to catch up on orders and Daddy Tyke opening the much needed ‘Plinky Plonk Juice’! Our Tykes day is done. Ready to start all over again in the morning. Ready to choose between the pirate tights or the cars. I wonder…

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Tights for boys at last!

Yay! It has been a month now since we launched Tykes Tights and began our mission to bring warm legs to the young male population of Britain and I am totally relieved to say that month 1 was a success!

We even attended our first baby show and met some fantastic people. Whoever said tights for boys was a silly idea, should have taken a look at the hoardes of people surrounding our stall and flinging their cash in my direction (ok, it might not have been quite like that but I like the image it creates). It was, however, a very successful day and one of our first steps into getting Tykes Tights on the map.

We have got lots more to look forward to this month too, with more baby shows, our joint leaflet being printed and some more stock being added to the website.

Tykes Tights has turned out to be a real family affair. Mr Tyke was fab at chatting to all the customers at the baby show, and persuading the daddies that tights rock. Toddler Tyke has been hard at work too on the advertising. His major role last week was to wear his aeroplane and football tights at different social occasions. He made quite sure that fellow tumble tots got a good peek at his legwear before our last session!

Did you know that we also have knee socks for boys? They are currently on our facebook shop but will hopefully be making an appearance in a range of sizes on our main site very soon. BTW, shipping via our fb shop is free!

So, Tykes Tights have been released from their plastic prison and are loose on the streets of Britain. Keep your eyes peeled, those fab socks worn by that boy in the buggy might actually go all the way up!