Quite a long time ago, I posted “A day in the life of a
tight wearing tyke”. I thought perhaps
it was time to do another one. Afterall,
a lot has changed in that time. In the
first post, Toddler Tyke was just 18 months old, he is now a strapping 3 year
old and has a completely different daytime regime. Another big difference, is that Daddy Tyke
was then living with us, now it is just Mummy and Toddler so, of course, many
other aspects of daily life have changed to take this adjustment into
So, Toddler’s day starts anywhere between 7:00 and
7:30. He usually lays in his bed talking
or singing to himself until he hears me call him. Then he comes running into my bedroom and
jumps into bed for a morning cuddle.
After a sit on the potty and getting dressed, it is downstairs for a
drink. Cup of tea to wake mummy up and
usually milk or ‘nana’ milk for Toddler.
3 days a week, it is then a mad rush to get to nursery on
time but today is Wednesday, a more relaxed start to the day as we don’t need
to be anywhere until half past 9.
Toddler’s morning routine includes spending at least 15 minutes deciding
which cereal he would like.
Weetabix? Shreddies? Shapes?
We go through all the options but usually come to the same end result –
Ready Brek with raisins.
After breakfast, it is upstairs to do teeth. Sounds so simple doesn’t it? After procrastinating, choosing several toys
to take, forgetting something very important when halfway up the stairs and
having to go back down for it, more timewasting and eventually we get to the
bathroom. Cue time to clamp mouth
tightly shut whilst twisting head in all manner of directions to avoid the
toothbrush. Sigh!
Back downstairs for shoes and coat. (Coat?
In May?) This can easily take 20
minutes and usually results in mummy Tyke counting to 3 with the threat of the
naughty chair if Toddler doesn’t act upon the given instructions. Toddler has to do EVERYTHING himself and his
way. Often he succeeds but often I hear the words “You must do it mummy” when
he realises that actually, he can’t. Finally, all ready to leave and Toddler
decides he is taking his train/peppa pig van/gruffalo bag/slinky/torch with
us. More procrastinating as I tell him
in no uncertain terms that we do not need to take toys to Toddler Group. Instead we agree that Toddler can take his
imaginary friends – Twigs and Tree Fu Tom who he has cradled gently in his
hands. Finally, just as I think we are
going to get out the door. Toddler
reminds me that Tree Fu Tom and Twigs haven’t brushed their teeth. Of course! Silly Mummy! After digging out the
imaginary toothbrushes to brush their teeth, I am informed that the toothbrushes
aren’t kept in the kitchen and I ‘must’ go upstairs to find them. Sigh.
Count to 10 and calmly tell Toddler that these are the only toothbrushes
we have and if he isn’t happy with that, Tree Fu Tom and Twigs will have to go
to Toddlers with dirty teeth.
Amazingly, we arrive at Toddler Group just 5 minutes
late. Toddler quickly rushes off to
socialise with his little buddies and grab the tools before anyone else spots
them whilst I settle myself down for a good old natter with my buddies.
After Toddler Group, it is home for a quick lunch, sit on
the potty, grab Toddler’s rucksack and off for an afternoon at nursery. I don’t need to go into more detail about
doing all this I’m sure. If you need more, just re-read paragraph 5!
4:30 and it is time to pick up Toddler. Mummy has managed to do a few jobs, a couple
of orders and not a lot else. (Except
that lovely cup of tea drunk in complete silence and finished in one sitting!)
Toddler 'helps' me make dinner by taste testing every ingredient as I try to add it to the pan. After dinner it's play time which at the moment seems to revolve around pretend play. Toddlers current favourite is making the sofa into a train and taking me on a journey. He also likes to sit on his trampoline and pretend that he is an ice-cream man - I have been sold some very strange sounding ice-cream flavours over the last few weeks!Bath and bed are not without their struggles. Again, procrastination and independence seem to be the theme and everything takes so much longer than it used to! After I have read Toddler his chosen story, he then likes to read it to me, his own version. I love listening to how creative he is when he 'reads'.
Some things don't change from my first post, Toddler in bed and it's time to get to work - maybe with the odd glass of Rose thrown in!
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